20 Days of Essential Plays: West of Eden

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#6 in our accompanying 20 DAYS OF ESSENTIAL PLAYWRIGHTS is WEST OF EDEN by Letitia Sweitzer, originally produced as part of the 2008 Essential Theatre Festival.

This play grew from a one-act that won the 2005 Georgia Theatre Conference’s One-Act Competition, into the full-length work produced by Essential in 2008. In the interim, Essential hosted a couple of private readings of different versions of the play and was considering producing a public staged reading, but by the time of the second private reading, through some very simple and minor changes, the play had been improved so greatly that it was chosen for the 2008 Playwriting Award and given a full production instead.

We are proud to support Sweitzer and other playwrights across Georgia, and we hope you will consider supporting Essential so that we can continue to do so for years to come. Make a donation to our power2give campaign today:
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