Zaria Caldwell as Agent West
Armanio Vincent-Cole as Junior Agent 08 and Ghost of John T.
Sydney Williams as Ashley, Amber, Ensemble
Michael Cook as Scorch, Brad, Ensemble
Kalonjee Gallimore as Mark, Will, the Robot, Ensemble
Pamela Clem as Kamia, Ensemble
Efrem Whitaker as Elijah, the Robot, Ensemble
Directed by Brenda Porter, with fight choreography by Mia Kristin Smith and production support provided by Jennifer Kimball.
On September 23, 2017, at 4:00 in the afternoon in Gordon White Park, the Essential Theatre, the Wren’s Nest and Art on the Atlanta BeltLine joined forces to present Essential’s latest new play – inspired by the Brown Middle School Wren’s Nest Scribes, written by Joshua Mikel, commissioned as part of the 2017 Art on the Atlanta BeltLine.
Special Thanks
The 2016-17 Brown Middle School Wren’s Nest Scribes and their mentors:
Jamaya Brown, Zeshawn Foster, Oumy Gueye, Amir Howard, Autumn Jackson, Eriel Jackson, Jaymes Mincey, Morgan Turner, ARyanna Vashti, Kate Betts, Maurice Garland, Sheronda Gipson, Ben Herr, Parker Hilley, Yves Jeffcoat, Ilana Poitier-Daniel, Taylor Schwensohn, Vania Stoyanova and Ross Boone.
Art on the Atlanta BeltLine, the West End Performing Arts Center, the Wren’s Nest, the Lean Draft House, the Shakespeare Tavern, the Georgia Humanities Council, Alex Riviere, Brent Douglas Brewer and Thom Stanley
Interview with the Playwright
Audience Response:
“It was so exciting to see stories written by kids from our community, performed by kids too, here at Gordon Park!” audience member and West End resident
“Yesterday was amazing. Thank you for your support of our students”
Byron Amos, audience member, current APS District 2 representative and Booker T. Washington High School alum
“Thank you and your Essential Theatre Team for producing the “BeltLine & Beyond” play, based on the book by our Scribes at Brown Middle School. The play was a hit, and I was really impressed with how it all came together using every story in the book.”
Kalin Thomas, Program Director for the Wren’s Nest
click here to view the complete 2017 Art on the Atlanta BeltLine catalog of artists!
(and be sure to check us out on page 65!)