Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who supported our fall power2give campaign! 
Juana Mendenhall, Cathy Jamison, Paul Donnelly, Betty & Ed Mitchell, Hank & Barbara Kimmel, Johnny Thigpen, Marilyn Baron, Vynnie Meli, Get Scene Studios, Carol Ponder, Jill Jackson, Doug Kaye, Sherry Shaw, Yolanda Asher, Kathleen Magbee, Aaron Gotlieb, Chris Carlsten, Thom, Lori and Sydney Stanley, Sarah Cave, Amber Bradshaw, Kathy Manning, Anna Richardson, Nancy Powell, Alex Van, Jennifer Kimball, Libby Mickle, Mark Perloe, Holly Stevenson, Brent Darnell, Gerry Bartholomai, Joanna Daniel and Pamela Rooks

Together we raised $6,500 to support Essential’s ongoing work to provide development and professional production opportunities to Georgia’s playwrights.

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Thursday, December 22, 2016 – Derek Dixon

When asked why he chose to submit his (now award winning and professionally produced) play When Things Are Lost to the Essential Theatre Playwriting Competition, 2016 Essential Theatre Playwriting Award Winner Derek Dixon replied,

When I read the statement about what The Essential Theatre was looking for, I felt that I had a chance. I am an unknown writer, and a competition like this gives unknowns like me something that is hard to get, a chance. A lot of theatres require an agent submission and a lot of middle-manning to get through, but The Essential Theatre just said,

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016 – Topher Payne and Samuel French

Shared by Breaking Character Magazine, a Samuel French publication, a great interview with beloved Essential and Atlanta playwright Topher Payne:


Here at Samuel French, we strive to find exciting voices in the playwright community, and bring them to a wider audience. This year, one of the new writers we welcomed to our catalog is the remarkable Topher Payne. For those of you unfamiliar with Topher’s plays, get ready…read more

Only two days left: 

become a part of the Essential tradition –

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Sunday, December 18, 2016 – Valetta Anderson

Valetta Anderson won the 2006 Essential Theatre Playwriting Award for her play, Leaving Limbo. After that show’s premiere in the 2006 Play Festival she had this to say about her experience:

The Essential Theatre was the essential ingredient in furthering my career as a playwright and expanding my voice into film by providing the one thing that is missing from most new play’s development process, namely a full production. Without that essential production, “Leaving Limbo” would be as unrealized as a pre-digital era photograph languishing on a developed but not printed roll of film.

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Saturday, December 17, 2016 – Bob Smith and Ashleigh Hoppe

Todays daily dose of Essential inspiration comes from two regulars on the Essential stage: Bob Smith and Ashleigh Hoppe.

Bob: I think it speaks for itself that the Essential Theatre has long had a reputation for someplace that is a very good place to get involved, that it draws the kind of quality that you want to be around.

Ashleigh: Second. Absolutely. It draws the same people back. It’s such a good core central group of really awesome people

[Another thing about] Essential Theatre is that…it gives unknown playwrights a huge shot to be seen,

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Friday, December 16, 2016 – Carolyn Cook

In the last week you’ve heard from Essential playwrights, Atlanta press and local theatre community leaders.

Today’s message is from a wonderful woman who primarily relates to Essential as an audience member but who is a formidable theatre artist in her own right.

From Carolyn Cook, a message that is short and sweet:

Thank you, Essential, for producing work by Georgia writers and putting terrific local actors on stage. Kudos to all!

Become a part of the Essential tradition – support our power2give campaign today!

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Thursday, December 15, 2016 – Lauren Gunderson

The Essential Theatre produced the first play that Lauren Gunderson ever wrote, while she was still a student at Emory University.

Here is what she had to say about that experience, 15 years ago:

The entire process – from winning the Essential Theater’s Playwriting Award to the wonderful production my play received – was a complete thrill. As a writer it is so important to find theatre artists that want to see the best of your work and your work be its best. The professionalism with which the Essential Theatre handled my work and delivered a beautiful performance allowed me entrance into the world of playwriting.

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