
Keep an eye on Eyedrum in 2015!

New Year’s spotlight:
Priscilla Smith and Eyedrum Art & Music Gallery, who brought us the Neighbors art exhibit as part of the 2014 Essential Theatre Festival, were tagged by Creative Loafing Atlanta as People to Watch in 2015.
They’ll be joining us again during the 2015 Festival, so you can “watch” them there — but in the meantime, they’ve got lots of great stuff going on in their new home downtown, so be sure to check them out there as well!

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40 Days of Essential Playwrights: 1 – Jordan Pulliam

Jordan Pulliam

BAT-HAMLET was Jordan’s first full-length work, premiering with Essential in 2012 and going on to be produced three more times since then, in Charleston, Louisville and Chicago.

Now, more than two years after BAT-HAMLET’s premiere, Jordan has this to say about seeing his work come to life onstage with Essential:

“Seeing my play, Bat-Hamlet, produced by the Essential Theatre was one of the greatest thrills of my life. I’d hardly imagined any theatre anywhere could take the spectacle that was parading through my head and put it onto a stage for others to see,

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Thanks to Bob Smith for making the final donation to our power2give campaign. We are so proud and thankful for your support, and for the support of everyone who made a donation to our power2give campaign this fall.

If you see any of these people, be sure to give them a hug from us:
William Hardy, Mark Perloe, Rozanne Stark, Cindy Dover, Cheryl Shaw, Karla Jennings, Rial Ellsworth, Katherine Brokaw, Cathy Jamison, Lauren Gunderson, Maryanne Gaunt, Hank Kimmel, Chris Carlsten, Johnny Thigpen, Jane Kroessig, Jo Howarth Noonan, Susan Bledsoe, Annie Harrison Elliott,

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40 Days of Essential Playwrights: 2 – Lauren Gunderson

Lauren Gunderson


Happy final Monday of our 40 Days of Essential Playwrights series!
In case you haven’t noticed, Monday posts, falling at the start of the week, have tended to be posts about Essential playwright “firsts,” and we are really piling them on today!

Lauren Gunderson, as we’ve said before, was our first playwriting award winner. She won the award with her first-ever full-length play. During her first year in school at Emory. An auspicious and well-received kick-off to the Essential Theatre Playwriting Award tradition.

Here’s an excerpt from the Emory paper published during PARTS THEY CALL DEEP:

We’re proud to have supported Lauren’s work.

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40 Days of Essential Playwrights: 3 – Peter Hardy

Peter Hardy

Not only is Peter the founder of Essential Theatre, he is a national award-winning playwright himself who’s had over 30 productions of his work done around the country. Named Creative Loafing’s critic’s Pick for Best LocalPlaywright in 2010, Peter recently had this to say about his hopes for the Essential Theatre:

“I hope that when playwrights work with Essential, they have the kind of experience I’d like to have when my own plays are produced at a theatre.”

But this is not a new dream. From a letter he wrote in 2008:
“When we started producing these annual festivals in 1999,

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40 Days of Essential Playwrights: 4 – Theroun Patterson

Theroun Patterson


We first produced a play by Theroun Patterson in 2011, A THOUSAND CIRCLETS.

A THOUSAND CIRCLETS was enthusiastically received by audiences and critics alike and went on to a second production at Detroit Repertory in 2013.

“A THOUSAND CIRCLETS is a powerful and moving piece of theatre, and Mr. Patterson has shown himself to be not merely a playwright of promise, but one of promise already realized.”
-Brad Rudy, Atlanta Theatre Buzz

In 2014 we produced another play he penned, THAT UGANDA PLAY. Theroun Patterson has become one of the most in-demand playwrights in Atlanta,

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40 Days of Essential Playwrights: 5 – Gabriel Jason Dean

Gabriel Jason Dean

After the Essential Theatre premiere in 2010, Gabriel Jason Dean and the folks at the Source Theatre Festival in Washington, D.D. Theatre made significant revisions to the play and presented it again in 2012. This marked the beginning of a streak for Essential playwrights, with most of our World Premieres since that time going on to second, third and even fourth productions.

“Peter Hardy and the Essential Theatre were an invaluable help to me. A sharp playwright himself, Peter really knows how to talk to writers. He helped me get to the heart of my big and wild story.

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40 Days of Essential Playwrights: 6 – Matthew Myers

Matthew Myers

Matthew Myers first came to Essential as an actor in 2010 and later contributed a couple of pieces to THE LOCAL, a collaborative theater project about Atlanta that premiered in the 2012 Essential Festival. The followingyear, his play STRAY DOGS won the 2013 Essential Theatre Playwriting Contest and was produced as a part of the 2013 Festival.

We’re proud to have supported Matt’s work. Won’t you support ours? 6 days left to give:

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40 Days of Essential Playwrights: 7 – Karla Jennings

Karla Jennings

Essential first premiered a play by Karla Jennings in 2000, IMAGES IN SMOKE, and she again won the playwriting prize in 2014 for RAVENS & SEAGULLS.

“Essential’s faith in playwrights strengthens their faith in themselves, which keeps them writing. Essential Theatre helps Georgia speak for itself. Essential Theatre’s cultural impact is far greater than its annual new play festival — the inspiration a playwright gets from being selected by Essential Theatre can fuel a writing career for years.”

We are so proud to have supported Karla’s work. Won’t you support ours?

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