
7 Stages opens 40th season with iconic Waiting for Godot

“Every time I see Godot, I become more convinced that its secret stars are Pozzo and Lucky (Bart Hansard and Matt Baum), the indelibly weird master and servant…Hansard makes a delightful comedic meal of the role, with dainty body language, infantile mood swings and puffed-up prideful moments.”
-Curt Holman, ArtsATL

Running now through October 14,  catch Essential family member Bart Hansard as Pozzo in 7 Stages’ 40th season opener, Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett. Lots of other Essential friends have worked behind the scenes to bring this production to life as well: Efrem Whitaker (2010 Darker Face of the Earth and 2017 BeltLine &

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Lots of Essential Faces in Nick’s Flamingo Grill on the Hertz Stage

SEP 29 – OCT 28, 2018

Now through October 28 on the Hertz Stage, Nick’s Flamingo Grill by Atlanta’s own Phillip DePoy and featuring a host of familiar faces from Essential’s stage throughout the years, including Robin Bloodworth, Dan Triandiflou, Cordell Cole, and from our most recent festival, Fred Galyean (WOKE) and Asia Howard (Bare Essentials reading: BABY SHOWER FOR THE ANTI-CHRIST).

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FCAC visits the 2018 Festival

Today we had some special guests in the audience: Lionell Thomas and Emmitt Stevenson, directors of long-standing Essential supporting organization, the Fulton County Arts Council.

What a great way to close out the Festival! Today FCAC Directors Lionell Thomas and Emmitt Stevenson joined us for our closing performance of WOKE. (pictured L to R: Essential Artistic Director Peter Hardy, FCAC Director Lionell Thomas, WOKE director Ellen McQueen, WOKE playwright Avery Sharpe, and FCAC Director Emmitt Stevenson)

The Fulton County Arts Council grant is actually the first grant that Essential ever applied for – and the first grant we ever received,

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August 23 post-show conversation with Unitarian Universalist Revs. Duncan Teague and Jonathan Rogers, and playwright Avery Sharpe

Join us after the August 23rd performance of Woke for a post-performance talkback featuring Rev. Duncan Teague, Rev. Jonathan Rogers, and playwright Avery Sharpe!

Unitarian Universalists have explicitly committed for over 20 years on a national level to the work of anti-racism. One of the ways Unitarian Universalists honor this commitment is when we heed the voices of non-male, non-white, disabled, poor, and queer leaders within and beyond our faith movement in answering the calls of love and justice.

WOKE by Avery Sharpe is a story that follows two young men who are best friends. Even though one is black and the other is white,

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Suryana Cuisine + Essential Theatre July 27

This Friday,  July 27,  join Essential Theatre as we kick off opening weekend of the 20th Essential Theatre Play Festival right, with a special preshow reception provided by Suryana Cuisine.

Join us at 6:00 for a half-hour presentation and update about the Syrian Refugee Theatre Project we started this past spring thanks to a grant from Turner Voices, and use promo code TEN to stay and see the opening night performance of Built to Float for just $10! Enjoy great food and conversation; hear about this exciting new project Essential has under way;

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