We enjoyed reading this post from 2010 Essential Theatre Playwriting Award Winner Gabriel Jason Dean today and thought you might too:
It’s finally here! QUALITIES OF STARLIGHT published by Dramatic Publishing.
Family dysfunction makes a great stocking stuffer. Just sayin.
This play is intensely personal and took a long time to write (they all do). The script grew through production. In 2010, Instead of developing the play through a reading, Peter Hardy and the Essential Theatre took my first draft and showed me the play I had written (warts and all). I can’t thank them enough for that gift. The premiere featured my dear friend who we all miss terribly, Daniel Burnley. That illuminating production led to a rewrite which led to the next iteration in DC in 2012 at The Source under the direction of Sasha Bratt. I learned more and after more rewrites, I arrived at the published script, produced by Bonnie Cullum and Rudy Ramirez and The VORTEX in Austin in 2013 (to much acclaim).
I wish that all plays could come into the world this way–being wholeheartedly embraced and supported at each step and given the privilege of being fully realized in front of an audience. I never would have arrived at this play otherwise.