Essential Theatre is proud of our reputation for presenting high quality productions of new works by Georgia playwrights. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit engaging a diverse group of participants and catering to an equally diverse audience. To help us further promote our mission and grow our company, Essential Theatre is actively seeking 3 to 4 new board members who are passionate about our mission to elevate Georgia’s playwrights and engage Georgia’s theatre audiences, and who are situated in a manner to tangibly do so.
If you fall into one or more of the following categories, enjoy dynamic theatre and want to get involved by serving on our board, contact us today:
- A CPA, accountant or other person with financial expertise
- A person with management experience in a large corporation that may be able to facilitate charitable giving and/or corporate sponsorship.
- A person well seated in the Atlanta West End community who has contacts with community philanthropists with a history of or an interest in supporting the arts.
- A differently-abled person to serve as an advocate and voice for accessibility concerns in our planning and governance practices.
- A lawyer who may wish to provide assistance with legal matters.
Board Members should have a passion for new plays and are asked to attend a majority of quarterly board meetings (currently conducted via Zoom), attend company productions during the Festival and occasional events throughout the year when possible, support the company with a financial contribution and help the company with fundraising activities.
Essential Theatre is an equal opportunity organization and seeks Board Members without regard to sex, race, creed or sexual orientation. If you know of any qualified person who may be interested in serving in this capacity, please share this opportunity with them!
“I am excited to be an advocate for the support of new work and to encourage audiences to find delight in experiencing fresh artistic perspectives.
Kacie Willis, Board Member 2020-2021