OLD SHIP OF ZION play opening press release

Atlanta, July 2015 – Join us for the professional world premiere of The Old Ship of Zion, by Columbus, GA playwright Natalia Naman, opening July 24.
A warm, touching play about the members of a small African-American church, struggling to keep its doors open and adapt to changing times. Mama Gwen is a beloved elder who feels the burden of others who depend on the strength of her faith, and Quincy is a young man who loves his church but is beginning to realize that he’s gay. About people trying to search for a spiritual life in trying times. With lots of music!
Featuring the acting talents of: James G. Smith, Jimmica Collins, Sharan Mansfield, Lydia Frempong, Cheryl Booker, Sundiata Rush and Lemond Hayes
Since the beginning of the festival in 1999, The Essential Theatre has committed to producing at least one new play a year by a Georgia playwright. Essential began its annual Essential Theatre Playwriting Competition in 2001, strengthening its ties to local writers by establishing the only competition exclusively dedicated to playwrights in the state of Georgia. This summer marks the 17th annual Essential Theatre Festival and the 4th consecutive all-Georgia Festival, featuring exclusively works by Georgia writers.
WHO: The Essential Theatre
WHAT: THE OLD SHIP OF ZION | The Essential Theatre Festival
WHERE: West End Performing Arts Center, 945 Ralph David Abernathy Blvd, Atlanta GA
WHEN: 7/24 (opening), 7/25, 8/1, 8/2 (Neighborhood Night), 8/6, 8/7, 8/9, 8/11 ($10 Industry Nt), 8/13, 8/15, 8/16, 8/17 ($10 Industry Nt), 8/21
Website: http://www.EssentialTheatre.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewPlays
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ATL_Essential