, Festival

Hush Harbor Lab: African Roscius: a black in the box play

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One night only: August 22, 2024 at 7:30pm

African Roscius: a black in the box play by Marlon Andrew Burnley is a journey into a liminal realm where an enigmatic Maker conjures masks that unveil the told and untold narratives of Black history. Centered on the life and impact of Ira Aldridge, this one-man show transcends time and space to celebrate a legacy of resilience and artistic innovation.


O’Neil Delaphena

Artistic Team:

Playwright: Marlon Andrew Burnley
Director: Mia Kristin Smith
Dramaturg: Anterior Leverett
Stage Manager: Erika Toney

Meet the Playwright

Marlon Andrew Burnley has a passion for community engagement. He believes, very strongly, that theatre can be used as a catalyst for change and community building. He worked as the Director of Shakespeare in Fremont Park, a community outreach program developed by the Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival that was used to provide theatrical entertainment and education to marginalized communities in South Bend, Indiana, his home town, where he earned his BFA. He made his way to Georgia to pursue a MFA in Performance at the University of Georgia. Finding that his passions extended past acting and directing, he immersed himself into teaching, developing and producing new works, and community engagement. His creative work has received numerous awards such as “Most Innovative Research” for his one-man show Black in the Box. Marlon currently serves as an Assistant Professor of Directing at Kennesaw State University.