Todays daily dose of Essential inspiration comes from two regulars on the Essential stage: Bob Smith and Ashleigh Hoppe.
Bob: I think it speaks for itself that the Essential Theatre has long had a reputation for someplace that is a very good place to get involved, that it draws the kind of quality that you want to be around.
Ashleigh: Second. Absolutely. It draws the same people back. It’s such a good core central group of really awesome people
[Another thing about] Essential Theatre is that…it gives unknown playwrights a huge shot to be seen, to be recognized, and to be produced in other parts of the country, which as a playwright and an actor myself, I think is a pretty fascinating concept.
Bob: So if you haven’t contributed in some wayto the Essential Theatre, you have to ask yourself: What’s wrong with you?
Ashleigh: Exactly.
Don’t make Ashleigh and Bob sad. Become a part of the Essential tradition – support our power2give campaign today!